Monday, September 3, 2012


For me goodbyes have never been something terribly sad because I always new I would see my friends next week or my grandparents next holiday.  I just finished my going away party and it was sad to hear my friends talk of their plans for the the future that I will  miss and know I won't have crazy discussions with them around the fire. However I know that it will be not to long and I'll see them again.  The saddest part for me was the foreshadowing of what will happen 10 months from now when there is no, "for now" at the end of the goodbye instead it will be "Arrivederci, finché un giorno"  and I'll never know when I'll see any of my new family and friends again. I've had far to many people that I was close with and we swore we would stay in contact and it slowly faded away I just have to hope that will not happen with my current friends and won't with the friends I make in Italy.  But that is far off so there is no need to let it bring me down instead I will look forward to all the new experiences I will have.  now that I'm packed and all ready to go it is really hitting me that I will be leaving the country in 2 days. 

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