Its only my second day here and I though I was starting to get home sick. But its not that I miss home I miss simplicity and comfort. This the difference between life at "my home" and the new home. At my home in California every thing is easy. I get up from my bed and grab what I want for breakfast chat with my parents text my friends from my phone then get in my car and go to my friends house. Its easy and simple I know where everything in my house and my city.
But here everything is different but isn't that what I signed up for. Even though its different its very similar, I still eat breakfast lunch and dinner, I still like the same food and music, I still wear the same cloths and I'm still me.

Here it isn't yet "my" house or "my" city so I don't know it. When I wake I don't even know if its morning or night I have to fish out my computer to know if I need to roll back over and sleep a few more hours of if its actually time for breakfast. When I go to get breakfast I have to search around for the items I want. And today I finally had the big success of discovering how to make coffee their way! Even talking is difficult, duh its another language, but the most ridiculous part is translating in my head is so difficult for me that i can't multi task; ie eating while listening Impossible! which makes it so I eat awkwardly slower than the rest of my family not to mention a lot of the food I am not used to and have to watch how to eat it. What I really miss from California is the simplicity and comfort of life but that's not what I signed up for. I keep thinking that this is difficult and that is more difficult than at home and it sucks here. Instead I need to remember that when life is hard and it seems to suck "It Builds character". When life is difficult that's when you get to see who you really are and what you can accomplish. I know that if I have difficulties this year I'll just think of the last bit of advice that my dad promised to give me if I ever called home and complain, "MAN UP you chose this". I chose to step out of my confertable way of life and try a new life because real progress is made out side of the comfort zone. I for see that this will be more difficult than I expected but will still be an amazing time in my life. This fee that I am rambling but hopefully its comprehensible and anyway its my blog and I never expected it to be perfect.
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